Experiencing a life-changing event can be emotionally traumatic and can have a long-lasting impact on your mental, emotional, and physical health. At New Hope Specialty Clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina, Kurian Abraham, MD, is highly skilled in diagnosing and treating PTSD symptoms to help you maintain a functional, symptom-free lifestyle. Learn more about effective treatment options for managing PTSD and its symptoms by calling the office directly or using the convenient online booking feature.

New Hope Specialty Clinic

Internists & Internal Medicine located in Charlotte, NC


New Hope Specialty Clinic

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health issue that you may develop after experiencing a life-threatening situation. You may also experience PTSD symptoms after witnessing a traumatic event.

Common triggers of PTSD include:

  • Military combat
  • Car accident
  • Natural disaster
  • Physical, emotional, or sexual assault

While it’s normal to feel some anxiety or fear after the experience, prolonged symptoms that last six months or more may indicate PTSD.

What are the risk factors for PTSD?

PTSD can affect anyone of any age. Your risk for developing PTSD may increase based on your gender, age, or the nature of the traumatic experience.

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

Symptoms of PTSD typically start soon after the traumatic experience. However, it’s still possible to develop PTSD symptoms in the months or years after the event occurs. In some cases, PTSD symptoms can come and go, depending on your exposure to stress and certain triggers.

If symptoms of PTSD remain untreated, they can become more severe and cause more disruption in your daily life and ability to perform your job or maintain healthy relationships.

These symptoms can include:

  • The persistent reliving of the event
  • Actively avoiding situations that remind you of the event
  • Negative feelings and thoughts
  • Feeling jittery or always on alert
  • Depression or anxiety

Untreated symptoms of PTSD can lead to struggles at work, in relationships, and problems with drugs or alcohol. You may also develop physical symptoms, such as chronic pain with no specific cause.

What treatment options are available for PTSD?

Dr. Abraham offers a variety of treatment options based on the severity of your symptoms. Treatment may include psychotherapy which helps you learn how to cope with your feelings surrounding the traumatic experience.

In addition to therapy, Dr. Abraham may recommend prescription medications to help relieve symptoms of PTSD. Medications, like antidepressants, can be effective in reducing the occurrence and severity of PTSD symptoms.

Dr. Abraham can also provide you and your family with resources for helping to cope with the symptoms of PTSD and other issues that may result from the struggle with PTSD, such as drug and alcohol addictions.

Don’t let the symptoms of PTSD disrupt your life any longer. Get help from the experienced medical team at New Hope Specialty Clinic by scheduling an appointment online or by calling the office directly.