Nearly 200,000 American adults under the age of 65 are affected by the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of memory loss and cognitive disabilities. At New Hope Specialty Clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina, Kurian Abraham, MD, is highly experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. On-site services are available to monitor the symptoms and slow down the progress of the disease. The staff offers compassionate, comprehensive care for Alzheimer’s disease at every stage. Learn more about available treatments by calling the office directly or using the online booking feature.

New Hope Specialty Clinic

Internists & Internal Medicine located in Charlotte, NC

Alzheimer’s Disease Q & A

New Hope Specialty Clinic

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects your thinking ability, memory, and behavior. Typically, symptoms of Alzheimer’s develop gradually over time, but as the disease progresses, symptoms can interfere with your daily routine and even become disabling.

Alzheimer’s isn’t a normal part of the aging process and can affect people in their younger years, a condition known as early-onset Alzheimer’s.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s?

The most common symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is difficulty remembering new information. This memory issue is often one of the first signs of early Alzheimer’s.

As Alzheimer’s advances in the brain, symptoms that may present include:

  • Disorientation
  • Mood changes
  • Feelings of suspicion
  • Difficulties speaking or walking

You may also experience persistent confusion about time, places, and events.

In some cases, you may not notice early signs of Alzheimer’s disease yourself, but other family members and friends may see obvious signs that something is wrong.

How is Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed?

Dr. Abraham is skilled in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease through a serious of memory and critical-thinking tests. He performs a physical exam and other screenings to rule out underlying medical issues that may affect your thinking and memory.

A thorough discussion of your symptoms can also help Dr. Abraham reach a diagnosis. He may also wish to talk to your family and friends to determine the extent of your symptoms.

In some cases, Dr. Abraham may order laboratory testing and brain imaging tests to monitor the progress of brain cell degeneration.

What treatments are available for Alzheimer’s?

While there isn’t a treatment available to cure Alzheimer’s disease, early intervention can help you better manage your symptoms and cope with the progress of the disease.

Dr. Abraham may recommend medications to help with your memory issues and behavioral changes. He may suggest additional resources to ensure you get the care you need at home to effectively manage your symptoms and sustain your quality of life.

If you’re concerned about memory loss issues or have a family member showing early signs of Alzheimer’s disease, schedule a consultation with Dr. Abraham by phone or online.